Student Admissions 

Useful link: Secondary admissions - City of Doncaster Council


Admissions at Trinity Academy fall into four categories: 

  1. Students joining for the start of Year 7
  2. Students joining sixth form
  3. Students transferring from a different school in-year
  4. Students joining the school on a Managed Move


Information about each of these admissions routes can be found in our Trinity Academy admissions policy.  This policy follows that laid down within its agreement with the Department for Education and works alongside the established practices already in place for all maintained secondary schools in Doncaster. Our full admissions policy can be found by following this link.

Students joining for the start of Year 7:

Trinity Academy is a highly popular secondary school and the destination of choice for many students both inside and outside of the catchment area. The Academy has been oversubscribed for the last three years. We work closely with our feeder primary schools to provide a smooth transition from primary to secondary. This includes a week long induction period in the last week of the summer term, amongst a whole host of other initiatives.


Students and parents wishing to know more about the Academy are strongly encouraged to attend watch our virtual tour below. Further information can be found in the prospectus here.


Please note, all applications are made through Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council, not through the school. Further information can be found by following this link. The closing date for admissions is 31 October. Please note, if an admission is late it is highly likely that a place will not be offered at Trinity Academy, even if the student lives within the catchment area. 


National offer day is 01 March. A letter will be sent to new Year 7 parents after this providing further information about transition events in the summer term. Information about transition can also be found on our website here


Admissions Consultation for 2025-26 Entry

Emmanuel Schools Foundation (as a Multi Academy Trust) operates as the admissions authority for the academies within its Trust. Authority to deal with admissions has been delegated to each school in the Trust. As such this means that the admissions arrangements for Trinity Academy will be dealt with by the Academy’s Local Governing Board. The Local Governing Board is required to determine their school admissions arrangements every year and consult on those arrangements once every seven years.

The admissions arrangements for 2025-26 entry have been reviewed in liaison with Doncaster County Council.

The consultation will include Trinity Academy’s admissions policy (arrangements) and planned number of places available at the school in the year(s) of entry. Please note that the formal consultation process is for the over-subscription criteria.

The Admissions Policy can be found in its draft (pre-determined) form here

If you require a paper copy of these documents, please email

Key Dates

·   Consultation opens from noon Friday 8 December 2023

·   Consultation closes noon Friday 19 January 2024

·   Deadline for admissions arrangements to be determined – 29 February 2024

·   Deadline for admissions authorities to send a copy of their full determined admissions arrangements to their authorities and to publish those arrangements on their schools’ websites – 15 March 2024

Changes being consulted upon for the 2025-26 academic year

·   Trinity Academy Local Governing Board is consulting on:

o Changes to the subscription criteria reflecting more accuracy with the Admissions Code.

Comments & Representations on the proposals

You can share your comments on the proposals using one of the options below: - Email:

In writing to: Admissions, Trinity Academy, Thorne, Doncaster, DN8 5BY Online form:

What happens after the consultation process?

All responses will be considered. Trinity Academy’s Local Governing Body which has delegated authority from Emmanuel Schools Foundation will then formally set (‘determine’) the arrangements for admissions in 2025-26 by 29 February 2024. Determined arrangements will be made available on the Trust and academy websites for the whole offer year (the academic year in which offers for places are made). We will do this by 15 March 2024.


 Click on the video below to watch our virtual tour of the school hosted by our very own Maisie Marsh. We hope you enjoy what you see and it makes you excited about how your secondary education could look here at Trinity Academy…

Our prospectus can be found by following this link