Year 11 Home Learning

1. Check your Teams class for live lessons
NB: this option will only be available if staffing allows and will be prioritised for key year groups.

Please log into Teams here

2. If the live option is not available, then work will be available on Teams to complete at home if staffing allows.

Please log into Teams here

3. If you have no access to Teams, or have completed all the work, then please complete work using the revision guides that have been given to you by Trinity Academy. The work should be spread over the week, and completed following your normal timetable if possible, completing enough work to cover the lessons on your timetable. For example, if you have 2 lessons of History each week, we would expect that you do work that will take you 100 minutes over the week. If you have one lesson a week of a subject, then complete work that takes you 50 minutes.